Why We Care

We have the opportunity to adopt a form of agriculture that produces not just food, but also a wide range of social, economic, nutritional, ecological, and climate benefits. Regenerative agriculture improves soil health and sequesters carbon, improves water quality and holding capacity, supports biodiversity, increases the nutrient density and long-term resilience of our food supply, and improves the prosperity of rural communities.

Photo Credit: William Milliot

We have the opportunity to adopt a form of agriculture that produces not just food, but also a wide range of social, ecologic, climate, nutritional, and economic benefits. Regenerative agriculture improves soil health and sequesters carbon, improves water quality and holding capacity, supports biodiversity, increases the nutrient density and long-term resilience of our food supply, and improves the prosperity of rural communities.

Regenerative agriculture is one of the most promising solutions to many of the problems we face today.


For hundreds of thousands of years a unique climate has supported flourishing human and natural life. Earth is the only planet known that can support humans, but only if we keep the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to less than 350 parts per million. As the Dalai Lama tweeted in 2016, “This planet is our only home; we are all responsible for taking care of it.”

Because “no other mechanism known to humankind is as effective in addressing global warming as capturing carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis,” the team of Drawdown ranked Regenerative Agriculture 11th of 100 solutions to draw down carbon from the atmosphere. According to their calculations, Regenerative Agriculture could result in a reduction of 23.15 gigatons of carbon dioxide, from both sequestration and reduced emissions, by 2050.


Seventy-one percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, with 96.5 percent of all water held by the oceans. The presence and abundance of water distinguishes Earth from other planets, and we are utterly dependent on its quality and availability. We drink it daily and our agricultural production accounts for 70 percent of its withdrawals globally. Water and soil are inextricably linked. According to the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, every one percent of organic matter in the soil holds approximately 20,000 gallons of water per acre.

When soils are healthy they can filter water and decrease runoff, improving water quality in rivers, streams, and groundwater reserves. By improving the soil’s water holding capacity, regenerative agriculture can make more water available during drought times and absorb more water, more quickly, during flood times. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that “building healthier soils could reduce runoff in flood years by nearly one-fifth, cut flood frequency by the same amount, and make as much as 16 percent more water available for crops to use during dry periods.”

Food Security

The abundance of nutritious food available on this planet is remarkable and critical. At present, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, farmers and ranchers across the globe produce more than 2,700 calories per person per day. We continue to make improvements to our political and distribution systems to enable universal access to those food calories and to ensure that our lands are healthy enough to produce ample food well into the future.

Regenerative agriculture, with its focus on soil health and increasing soil organic matter, coaxes a tremendous amount of edible food from every acre under production, and its effects are self-reinforcing. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has found that, “high organic matter increases productivity and, in turn, high productivity increases organic matter.” This strategy is not only more resilient from a food security perspective, but also comes with economic benefits for the producer.

Rural Economies

Most of us depend on our rural neighbors who produce the vast majority of the world’s food as well as its agriculture-based fibers and fuels. This production is happening in the face of increasing social and land use pressures that are decreasing acreage available for working lands, forcing younger generations to leave for the cities, and decreasing the economic viability of rural areas.

When our rural communities thrive and work in harmony with nature, we all benefit. Regenerative agriculture is about landowners being stewards of an agro-ecological system where nature, their farm, and economic prosperity are managed as a whole. What is good for the health of the soil is good for the economic prospects of the land manager. According to the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, “Healthy soil saves farmers money since…healthy soils use inputs like water and nutrients more efficiently [so] production costs are lower.”


Many have seen an agriculture at odds with the environment and, in response, have tried to assign economic value to biodiversity based on the benefits it provides to the systems upon which we depend. But this pits food and agricultural production against nature, when the great opportunity is to have them working in lockstep for the health of people and planet.

Regenerative agriculture is about managing for the entire ecosystem, embracing biodiversity of land and soil. From there we see cascading benefits that redound to humans and natural allies, like pollinators and predators who provide countless benefits to humans through their interactions with both natural and working landscapes.

Health & Wellness

At no other time in human history have humans lived such long, fulfilling, healthy lives. Even so, we can and must do more to ensure that every person has access to the mental and physical wellbeing that results from eating healthy food and having a connection to the land. We know from Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, that there are many benefits from connecting with nature, from boosting mental acuity and creativity to reducing obesity and depression.

When our soil is healthy, we are healthy, and our natural systems are healthy. Regenerative agriculture improves soil health, which in turn increases the nutrient density and diversity of the food and forage grown in that soil, which then improves the health and diversity of the people and animals who eat the food and forage. Additionally, regenerative agriculture can protect our natural resources, making them available in the restorative ways we need.

Working Lands

The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 37 percent of Earth’s land area is in agriculture, 70 percent of which is grasslands. This land contributes to the livelihoods of over 800 million people, produces the equivalent of more than 2,700 calories per person per day, and has the potential to create ecosystem benefit and climate mitigation. Unfortunately, we are losing working lands at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, American Farmland Trust estimates that 175 acres of farm and ranch land are lost every hour to sprawl and development.

We know working lands can be managed harmoniously for nature and humans. Regenerative agriculture is both ecologically and economically beneficial, as evidenced by a recent report, Valuing the Ecosystem Service Benefits from Regenerative Agriculture Practices, from Farmland LP, Delta Institute, and Earth Economics. Keeping these lands working provides both ecological benefits for nature and economic benefits for the landowners in charge of their stewardship.

Animal Welfare

Many people are concerned with where their food comes from and how it is grown or raised. Michael Pollan went so far as to recommend that every person develop their own personal food policy. Regardless of what food choices we each make, maintaining thoughtful societal norms around the treatment of the people, land, and animals that produce our food is critical.

Regenerative agriculture emphasizes the importance of raising animals in pasture settings where they are free to eat an appropriate diet and express their natural instincts, while simultaneously contributing to the creation of healthy soils that grow high-quality, nutrient-dense forages on which animals prefer to graze. This positive feedback loop has led FoodPrint to conclude that, “raising cattle on pasture measures up to the highest levels of animal welfare practices.”


What's At Stake

For hundreds of thousands of years a unique climate has supported flourishing human and natural life. Earth is the only planet known to humans that can support humans, but only if we keep the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to less than 350 parts per million. As the Dalai Lama tweeted in 2016, “This planet is our only home; we are all responsible for taking care of it.”

The Solution

Because “no other mechanism known to humankind is as effective in addressing global warming as capturing carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis,” the team of Drawdown ranked Regenerative Agriculture 11th of 100 solutions to draw down carbon from the atmosphere. According to their calculations, Regenerative Agriculture could result in a reduction of 23.15 gigatons of carbon dioxide, from both sequestration and reduced emissions, by 2050.


What's At Stake

71% of Earth’s surface is covered by water, with 96.5% of all water held by the oceans. The presence and abundance of water distinguishes Earth from other planets, and we are utterly dependent on its quality and availability. We drink it daily and our agricultural production accounts for 70% of its withdrawals globally. Water and soil are inextricably linked. According to the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, every one percent of organic matter in the soil holds approximately 20,000 gallons of water per acre.

The Solution

When soils are healthy they can filter water and decrease runoff, improving water quality in rivers, streams, and groundwater reserves. By improving the soil’s water holding capacity, regenerative agriculture can make more water available during drought times and absorb more water, more quickly, during flood times. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that “building healthier soils could reduce runoff in flood years by nearly one-fifth, cut flood frequency by the same amount, and make as much as 16 percent more water available for crops to use during dry periods.”

Food Security

What's At Stake

The abundance of nutritious food available on this planet is remarkable and critical. At present, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, farmers and ranchers across the globe produce more than 2,700 calories per person per day. We continue to make improvements to our political and distribution systems to enable universal access to those food calories and to ensure that our lands our healthy enough to produce ample food well into the future.

The Solution

Regenerative agriculture, with its focus on soil health and increasing soil organic matter, coaxes a tremendous amount of edible food from every acre under production, and its effects are self-reinforcing. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has found that, “high organic matter increases productivity and, in turn, high productivity increases organic matter.” This strategy is not only more resilient from a food security perspective, but also comes with economic benefits for the producer.

Rural Economies

What's At Stake

Most of us depend on our rural neighbors who produce the vast majority of the world’s food as well as its agriculture-based fibers and fuels. This production is happening in the face of increasing social and land use pressures that are decreasing acreage available for working lands, forcing younger generations to leave for the cities, and decreasing the economic viability of rural areas.

The Solution

When our rural communities thrive and work in harmony with nature, we all benefit. Regenerative agriculture is about landowners being stewards of an agro-ecological system where nature, their farm, and economic prosperity are managed as a whole. What is good for the health of the soil is good for the economic prospects of the land manager. According to the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service, “Healthy soil saves farmers money since…healthy soils use inputs like water and nutrients more efficiently [so] production costs are lower.”


What's At Stake

Many have seen an agriculture at odds with the environment and, in response, have tried to assign economic value to biodiversity based on the benefits it provides to the systems upon which we depend. But this pits food and agricultural production against nature, when the great opportunity is to have them working in lockstep for the health of people and planet.

The Solution

Regenerative agriculture is about managing for the entire ecosystem, embracing biodiversity of land and soil. From there we see cascading benefits that redound to humans and natural allies, like pollinators and predators who provide countless benefits to humans through their interactions with both natural and working landscapes.

Health & Wellness

What's At Stake

At no other time in human history have humans lived such long, fulfilling, healthy lives. Even so, we can and must do more to ensure that every person has access to the mental and physical wellbeing that results from eating healthy food and having a connection to the land. We know from Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, that there are many benefits from connecting with nature, from boosting mental acuity and creativity to reducing obesity and depression.

The Solution

When our soil is healthy, we are healthy, and our natural systems are healthy. Regenerative agriculture improves soil health, which in turn increases the nutrient density and diversity of the food and forage grown in that soil, which then improves the health and diversity of the people and animals who eat the food and forage. Additionally, regenerative agriculture can protect our natural resources, making them available in the restorative ways we need.

Working Lands

What's At Stake

The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 37% of Earth’s land area is in agriculture, 70% of which is grasslands. This land contributes to the livelihoods of over 800 million people, produces the equivalent of more than 2,700 calories per person per day, and has the potential to create ecosystem benefit and climate mitigation. Unfortunately, we are losing working lands at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, American Farmland Trust estimates that 175 acres of farm and ranch land are lost every hour to sprawl and development.

The Solution

We know working lands can be managed harmoniously for nature and humans. Regenerative agriculture is both ecologically and economically beneficial, as evidenced by a recent report, Valuing the Ecosystem Service Benefits from Regenerative Agriculture Practices, from Farmland LP, Delta Institute, and Earth Economics. Keeping these lands working provides both ecological benefits for nature and economic benefits for the landowners in charge of their stewardship.

Animal Welfare

What's At Stake

Many people are concerned with where their food comes from and how it is grown or raised. Michael Pollan went so far as to recommend that every person develop their own personal food policy. Regardless of what food choices we each make, maintaining thoughtful societal norms around the treatment of the people, land, and animals that produce our food is critical.

The Solution

Regenerative agriculture emphasizes the importance of raising animals in pasture settings where they are free to eat an appropriate diet and express their natural instincts, while simultaneously contributing to the creation of healthy soils that grow high-quality, nutrient-dense forages on which animals prefer to graze. This positive feedback loop has led FoodPrint to conclude that, “raising cattle on pasture measures up to the highest levels of animal welfare practices.”

What We Need To Do

There are no silver bullet solutions for changing our practices on the ground, but we know that every change that involves humans can only begin when we are in relationship with each other and the natural world. We invite you to join TKREF and our amazing partner network in meaningful conversations that catalyze and accelerate the adoption of regenerative agriculture. As we have shared, regenerative agriculture is an inspiring, holistic solution to the myriad crises we face today.

News and Resources

  • Wendell Gilger instructiong TomKat staff on becoming land doctors
    Walking, Reading, Interpreting and Understanding the...
    Sometime in the late 1970s and early in my natural resources...
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  • Close up of horse's eye - TomKat Ranch
    Watch the TKREF Equine Program In...
    At TomKat Ranch, we believe the concept of Regeneration has to...
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  • Picture of a LeftCoast GrassFed burger with pickles and cheese on a bun
    We're Hiring - LeftCoast GrassFed...
    We're Hiring - LeftCoast GrassFed Sales Associate​
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  • Image of Tom Steyer's Book Cheaper, Faster, Better: How We'll Win the Climate War
    An Uplifting Guide to Winning the...
    Climate change is deadly serious business. But who knew fighting it...
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  • Picture of Wendell Gilbert and members of the TomKat Ranch Land and Livestock team wading in the waters of Honsinger Creek as part of the stream assessment workshop.
    Out on the Ranch: Spring 2024
    There is a lot of information that goes into our adaptive...
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  • Group of dung beetles found on TomKat Ranch
    Dung Beetle Populations at TomKat Ranch...
    We sampled for dung beetles in the spring and summer of...
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  • Picture of a LeftCoast GrassFed burger with pickles and cheese on a bun
    The Real Burger of Earth Day...
    April brings rain showers, rainbows, longer days, AND Earth Day! Many...
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  • Presenting at the California Council of Land Trusts Annual Conference website header image
    Presenting at the California Council of...
    In March, TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation co-presented at the California Council...
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  • USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 2023 Map
    USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map Comparison
    A sliding comparison of the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map changes...
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  • Ash Sweeting, Agscent scientist.
    Agscent Testing at TomKat Ranch
    At TKREF, we approach regenerative agriculture from many angles. Where we...
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  • The flowing waters of Honsinger Creek, TomKat Ranch
    The Other Thing that Water Does
    Have you ever walked from a field or pasture into a...
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  • Map showing where farmer are aging out of practices.
    Highlighting Trends in Ag and Finance:...
    Given our belief in the power and potential of regenerative agriculture...
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  • Sam McDonald's sketched portrait
    Our Sam McDonald Moment
    In honor of Black History Month, we would like to introduce...
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  • Allensworth Progressive Association
    Allensworth Progressive Association – Fostering Resiliency
    Allensworth, California’s first all-Black town established in 1908, is in Tulare...
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  • Article
    Ode to Insect
    When I first moved to Pescadero, the space where I lived...
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  • Article,Resource
    So Many Reasons To Like Dung...
    You might not find fresh manure very exciting, but it doesn’t...
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  • Wendy Millet and Sophie Noda
    Annual Christmas Bird Count
    At the end of 2023 on December 30th, Point Blue and...
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  • California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) Conference in Sacramento
    California Association of Resource Conservation Districts...
    In December, Mark Biaggi and Kevin Watt attended and presented at...
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  • Megan Shahan's Power of Principles - Woman sitting in yoga pose greeting the sunrise.
    The Power of Principles
    When I moved to California after graduating from college, I did...
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  • Opinion,Resource
    Notes on Death
    I think about death a lot. It’s an integral part of...
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  • The traditional tanning method--stretching the hide. Good use of byproducts of carcass utilization.
    A Show of Respect: Utilizing the...
    Raising animals for food is extremely complex—logistically, ecologically, and emotionally.
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  • Article,Resource
    From Death Comes Life, Talking Compost...
    If you ask our master gardener, Susan, “What is compost” you’re...
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  • News
    Some Mantras from Women Transforming Food...
    I’m new/ish at TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation, just rounding out my...
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  • California RCD Conservation Planning at TomKat Ranch
    Pilot Training to Expand Access to...
    Conservation Plans have been used by Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) and...
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  • Grazed and ungrazed pastures at Fifth Crow Farm.
    Grazing for Fire Mitigation at Fifth...
    California has seen many thousands of acres burn as catastrophic wildfires...
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  • Fearless Farmers website
    Learning to be Fearless Farmers
    Regenerative agriculture is a movement gaining momentum worldwide, attracting scores of...
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  • Rangeland Management, Monitoring, and Policy
    Rangeland Management, Monitoring, and Policy
    In our work to scale regenerative ranching practices, we regularly engage...
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  • California FarmLink Website Page
    Navigating Grazing Agreements with California FarmLink
    What is the best way to develop agricultural contracts? Our land...
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  • Seasonal Foods, including beef
    Eating with the Seasons - Fruit,...
    As the weather shifts and days grow shorter, it's a valuable...
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  • Growing Our Capacity for Good Work: A Stockmanship Clinic with Marissa Taylor
    Growing Our Capacity for Good Work:...
    Through photosynthesis, it can be said that the whole world runs...
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  • Cows Eat Pampas Grass: An Interview with Mark Biaggi, TomKat Ranch Manager
    Cows Eat Pampas Grass: An Interview...
    Cows Eat Pampas Grass: An Interview with Mark Biaggi, TomKat Ranch...
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  • TomKat Ranch on Food for the Planet
    TomKat Ranch on Food for the...
    In our ongoing “Gathering for Action” effort to engage the public...
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  • Sarah Pilla, Spectrum News 1
    A Peek Into Regenerative Agriculture at...
    In May, we had the pleasure of hosting Sarah Pilla, a...
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  • Regional Food Summit, Sacramento, CA
    Shifting Paradigms: The UC System and...
    This past June, over 110 participants, including staff from TomKat Ranch,...
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  • Soil Inventory Project Website
    Exploring Soil Carbon at TomKat Ranch...
    Partnerships are central to the work that happens on TomKat Ranch...
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  • Horses ear sticking up over fence at TomKat Ranch
    Learning from Horses: Why Are Horses...
    There are many kinds of programs around the world where people...
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  • Oak tree on TomKat Ranch
    Digging Deep: How Soil Mineralogy Influences...
    Soil carbon plays a central role in helping to combat climate...
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  • Goat herd grazing at TomKat Ranch
    Thrifty Herd - Breeding for Successful...
    Regenerative agriculture seeks to mimic the Earth’s natural cycles. The planned,...
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  • A view of grass diversity at TomKat Ranch
    The State of our Grasses 2022-23
    Always on the lookout for landscape changes, we observed annual grasses,...
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  • Loren Poncia of Stemple Creek Ranch addressing attendees.
    Learning The Ins And Outs Of...
    Recently, on a beautiful sunny day in May, Beef2Institution held a...
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  • What Good Shall I Do Regenerative Agriculture Conference at ROAM Ranch
    What Good Shall I Do Regenerative...
    On the rolling landscape of the Texas Hill Country, humans young...
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  • Matt Ricketts of Triple R Bar S Consulting at TomKat Ranch
    Is It Possible for A Cattle...
    On March 22-23, 2023, Matt Ricketts of Triple R Bar S...
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  • Mukethe Kawinzi opens the fence for the next round of cover crop grazing.
    Bring On the Goats - A...
    The Land & Livestock team at TomKat Ranch utilizes cattle and...
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  • San Mateo County Producer Working Group
    Food Hub It Is! San Mateo...
    In 2022, San Mateo Resource Conservation District (SMRCD), Kitchen Table Advisors...
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  • Plant and soil microbial communities play an important role in carbon sequestration. Biological indicators related to these communities may offer alternatives to direct carbon measurements in some scenarios, potentially helping to forecast future changes. Despite their significance, considerable work needs to be done to identify which biological indicators, if any, can accurately predict future trends in carbon across a landscape. To address this, Point Blue and TomKat Ranch teamed up with scientists from UC Santa Barbara to investigate the relationships between plant, fungal, and bacterial communities and soil carbon changes across space and time. We found that certain combinations of plants, fungi, and bacteria served as reliable indicators of soil carbon storage. Specifically, we found bacteria that metabolize carbon more slowly and efficiently are associated with sites that store more carbon in the long run. Decomposing fungi were also associated with enhanced soil carbon sequestration over time. On the other hand, bacteria that thrive in high carbon environments and are thought to “leak” more CO2 as they work, were associated with sites that showed carbon losses over time. While more research needs to be done, this work contributes to a growing body of knowledge around biological indicators related to soil carbon sequestration. Our findings offer valuable insights for further investigation, and our hope–as ever–is that they will help to build strategies that promote increased carbon storage in the soil, mitigate climate change, and build resilience into working landscapes for a more stable future.
    New Point Blue Report: Plant and...
    Plant and soil microbial communities play an important role in carbon...
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  • Clouds and Grass as symbol of the Earth sky relationship
    What We're Reading - April 2023...
    Fifty-three years ago, the first Earth Day inspired and united 20...
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  • Water dispersing over woody debris
    Effective Rainfall: Putting All that Wonderful...
    In light of this particularly wet and cold winter, Part 2...
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  • Resource
    Introducing the Range-C Monitoring Program
    Last month, with support from the Foundation for Food & Agriculture...
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  • Opinion
    What We're Reading - March 2023
    In honor of Women’s History Month we are highlighting the legacy...
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  • Article,Resource
    Atmospheric Rivers and Building Hydrological Resiliency...
    At any moment, the extreme power of Nature can leave us...
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  • Chef Isabelle Nunes preparing cabbage for fermentation.
    Reflections from our Chef and Garden...
    I began my career in hospitality in an effort to heal...
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  • Article,Resource
    What We're Reading - February 2023
    In honor of Black History month this February, we wanted to...
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  • Article,Opinion
    A Series of Appreciation for Water:...
    How often do you stop to consider—really consider—the source of the...
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  • Article,Resource
    Regenerative Gardening at TomKat Ranch
    Over the past two years—motivated by the need in our community...
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  • Event,News
    Beef2Institution: Farm to Hospital Regenerative Ranch...
    Beef2Institution began in 2018 as a pilot program to address the...
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  • Pacific Hound's Tongue
    Shifting Paradigms
    It seems that in every sector, system, or structure of our...
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  • USDA Climate Smart Commodities
    Celebrating Climate-Smart Investments on our Journey...
    On September 14th, seventy climate-smart agriculture and forestry pilot projects received...
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  • Black Food Summit TKR
    Black Food Summit 2022 at TomKat...
    Last month, TomKat Ranch and the Office of Kat Taylor were...
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  • Kevin Alexander Watt
    Goodbye Note from Kevin Alexander Watt
    This August I left TomKat Ranch to be the General Manager...
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  • Cows swath grazing
    Swath Grazing Trial 2022
    At TomKat Ranch, our livestock are a tool we use to...
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  • Culinary Skills Training with LHPUSD Food Service Staff
    Culinary Skills Training with LHPUSD Food...
    Now that California has become the first state in the nation...
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  • Hand holding soil and worms
    Summer of Soil
    Soil is the literal and metaphorical foundation of all we do...
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  • Article,Resource
    Kristyn Leach of Namu Farm
    There are so many interesting and hopeful ways to engage in...
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  • Soil Sampling and the Soil Health Tech Stack Event
    Soil Sampling and the Soil Health...
    Many landowners are interested in soil carbon inventories to help them...
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  • Honsinger Creek
    The Remarkable Benefits of Riparian Areas
    It’s springtime at the ranch and everywhere you go the birds...
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  • TomKat Ranch Goats grazing
    The TomKat Ranch Grazing Plan Goes...
    You may have seen these caprine creatures creating fire breaks around...
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  • News
    EcoFarm 2022: Two Field Days Focusing...
    This year EcoFarm is hosting several field days during the Spring...
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  • Guide to Regenerative Grazing Leases: Opportunities for Resilience.
    Guide to Regenerative Grazing Leases: Opportunities...
    As part of TomKat Ranch’s broader effort to develop a toolkit...
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  • February 2022 Prescribed Fire on TomKat Ranch burning hillside
    How We Monitor Land Systems Change...
    On Friday February, 11th, 2022, we conducted our second prescribed burn...
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  • Founding members of Bar-C and other stakeholders pose with USDA Undersecretary, Jenny Lester Moffitt
    Bar-C Update - We’re In Business!
    BAR-C is an Animal Welfare Approved multi-species processing operation in the...
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  • Isabelle Nunes, TomKat Ranch
    A Note From Our First Ever...
    My intention is to bring the story and voice of regenerative...
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  • Article,Resource
    Rain and Regenerative Management
    Ever wonder the speed of a raindrop falling? Raindrops typically fall...
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  • Katherine Berry is a research fellow at the National Science Foundation in Boston, Massachusetts.
    Growing Perspectives: Understanding Water's Role in...
    As a graduate student studying sustainable water management with a concentration...
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  • budding leaves
    Three New Apprentices Join Our Team
    As with a transformation of foliage, or a noticeable swing in...
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  • TomKat Team Photo Collage
    2021: A Regenerative Year and Looking...
    A great deal of suffering comes from the false belief that...
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  • Richard's Hotdogs
    School Food Supply Chain Challenges and...
    I think it is fair to say we have all experienced...
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  • Article
    Apprentice Alex Michel’s Reflections on a...
    Since 2014, this remote place has hosted a prescribed fire training...
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  • Resource
    What We're Reading - A Synthesis...
    Regenerative agriculture is increasingly being recognized as an effective tool for...
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  • Regeneration Definition
    Social Regeneration
    Human beings are an integral part of our planet, inextricably linked...
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  • EcoFarm Photo
    EcoFarm 2022: Pre-conference Field Day -...
    Next year (January 2022) will be the 42nd annual EcoFarm Conference!
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  • Resource
    What We’re Reading - Regeneration: Ending...
    Recently a colleague shared how much she enjoyed listening to an...
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  • Opinion
    October 2021 Prescribed Burn
    As you may know, TomKat Ranch has been working closely with...
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  • News
    Swath Grazing Harding Grass
    Swath grazing is a practice where forage is cut into a...
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  • News,Resource
    Last Updated: Sept 13, 2021 by Chelsea Carey, Point Blue Conservation...
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  • Article
    Travel Journal of Regenerative Agriculture in...
    Over the past month, I got the chance to visit some...
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  • Regen Ranching Data Round Up
    The Regen Ranching Data Round Up
    One particular area we have been exploring lately is data interoperability—the...
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  • News
    Growing the Table - Update on...
    The pandemic has highlighted long-standing inequities in our economic, social, and...
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  • Defending Beef
    Defending Beef - Revised and Expanded...
    Nicolette Hahn Niman’s first edition of Defending Beef, the Ecological and...
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  • News
    Upcoming Workshop with Nicole Masters at...
    Over the last couple of years, we at TomKat Ranch have...
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  • Opinion,Resource
    What We’re Reading: Regenerating soil, regenerating...
    Many people ask our team at TomKat Ranch, “If regenerative agriculture...
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  • Emergency lights
    Helpful Resources in Case of an...
    Extreme weather conditions can bring potential threats to life and property....
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  • TomKat Ranch Interns and Apprentices
    Regenerative Ranching Apprenticeship - Join Our...
    Work with TomKat Ranch Land & Livestock Team as an apprentice...
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  • News
    Gathering for Action Anew!
    After a long break from hosting gatherings on the Ranch due...
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  • Article,Study
    Bale Grazing - Stewardship During Drought...
    When fresh grass is not available in the winter across much...
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  • Article,Resource
    Joining the Savory EOV Program and...
    We recently completed the Savory Institute’s onboarding process for the Ecological...
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  • News,Opinion
    Parting is Such Sweet... Oh, Grasshopper...
    Mel Preston, ornithologist and rangeland field ecologist with Point Blue Conservation...
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  • Photo of Wildebeest herd crossing a river in Africa by Jorge Tung.
    The Serengeti Symphony by Kat Taylor
    The magic of regenerative agriculture comes from how it works harmoniously...
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  • News,Resource
    Goats to the Rescue - Goatapelli...
    The research, from San Jose State University’s Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center, found...
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  • Article,Resource
    ‘No-Dig’ Gardening at TomKat Ranch
    Typically, landscaping at the ranch focuses on the care of flowers,...
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  • Lani Malmberg - Goatapelli
    An Interview with Goatapelli Foundation’s Lani...
    Fire prevention has risen in importance over the past few years....
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  • Article,Resource
    Notes from the Field: Managing Rangelands...
    As spring unfolds at TomKat and on ranches across California, we...
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  • Image of capital flow
    Transformative Investment in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Introduction...
    Increased attention and investment in agriculture is necessary and urgent....
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  • Fertility Flat Pasture before and after.
    Digging Deeper On Pasture Soils Trial:...
    We did a Q & A session with Ranch Manager Mark...
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  • Bar-C Founders
    Bar-C, the Why and How: A...
    At the peak of its local meat supply industry, California once...
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  • Catherine Perry at KPDO
    Prescribed Burns at TomKat Ranch -...
    We had a chance to sit down with Cathrine Perry, manager...
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  • Opinion
    February Newsletter Introduction by Wendy Millet...
    It is an exciting time for those of us who understand...
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  • News
    Update: Soil Health Trials at TomKat...
    For some ranchers, winter is a time to hunker down, but...
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  • Article
    Community in the Time of Covid...
    Since the middle of January, I have had the opportunity to...
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  • News,Resource
    Virtual Sunday Brunch with Growing Table...
    It was inspiring to join Kat Taylor and the team from...
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  • News
    Meet Our 2021 Apprentices - Dillon,...
    In an effort to advance the careers of aspiring regenerative agriculture...
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  • Opinion
    Kat Taylor - Gov Newsom’s Executive...
    As many readers may have already heard, Governor Gavin Newsom recently...
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  • Article
    We Help Sacramento’s Vulnerable Communities Get...
    When COVID-19 hit, TomKat Ranch shifted our LeftCoast Grassfed beef sales...
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  • Resource
    Publication - UC Berkeley, Center of...
    Redefining Value and Risk in Agriculture: Policy and Investment Solution to...
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  • Article,Resource
    Article - Greener Farming Methods Don’t...
    In the most comprehensive study to date, researchers found that greener...
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  • News
    Report - Progress At The California...
    In 2017, California launched its ambitious Healthy Soils Program (HSP) to...
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  • Nature4Climate Website
    New Website - Nature4Climate
    A beautiful new website called Nature4Climate.
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  • Opinion
    December 2020 Newsletter Introduction - Growing...
    In just a blink of geologic time, humans have created technologies...
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  • News
    Conference Recap - Climate Underground 2020...
    Last month, members of our team had the opportunity to attend...
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  • Article
    Thoughts on Regenerative Fire Mitigation Part...
    When thinking about a big problem like how to manage fire-prone...
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  • News,Resource
    What's Good Meat? Find out
    For the past nine months, I’ve been part of an incredible...
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  • News,Resource
    BAR-C: Breaking the Bottleneck
    As beef harvesting goes, California lacks enough USDA certified processing facilities...
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  • Article,Resource
    Groundwork - A Pilot Virtual Summer...
    Earlier this year as COVID-19 grew from a concern into a...
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  • News
    Local Food Security: Coops, Veggies, and...
    A large part of what we do at TomKat Ranch is...
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  • Article
    Thoughts on Regenerative Fire Mitigation Part...
    Log it, graze it, or let it burn.” It seems I...
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  • Kat Taylor Forbes Features Video
    Kat Taylor - A Forbes FEATURES...
    Kat Taylor using capitalism’s toolbox to fight systemic racism, environmental destruction...
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  • News,Resource
    Rising from the ashes - Growth...
    In the field of Positive Psychology, there is an important distinction...
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  • Study
    What We're Reading - Point Blue...
    Point Blue Methane Brief and Carbon Footprint Study of White Oak...
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  • News
    Growing the Table - Shifting Demand...
    During this crisis, a number of ‘farm to family’ programs have...
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  • Stemple Creek’s Petaluma Market meat department
    Regenerative Ranching Circle NORCAL -...
    Even though the regenerative ranching community in California is small and...
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  • Article,Resource
    A Regenerative Food System Can Only...
    A Regenerative Food System Can Only Be Realized When There is...
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  • News,Resource
    CZU Lightning Complex Fire - Our...
    The swiftness and destructive power of a catastrophic wildfire is staggering.
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  • Article
    Prescribed Burning for Wildfire Prevention and...
    Prescribed burns have multiple potential benefits, including reducing catastrophic wildfire risk...
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  • News
    Breeding Birds Update by Mel Preston...
    In Pescadero (and the rest of the northern hemisphere), bird nesting...
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  • Article
    15-year program to study prescribed burning...
    As part of our Profiles in Land and Management series, this...
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  • Resource
    Point Blue Issue Brief 2019: Methane...
    The purpose of this document is to provide Point Blue staff...
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  • Resource
    Fire Management and Prescribed Burns at...
    A collaboration between CalFire and TomKat Ranch. Prescribed Burns for Public...
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  • News
    Resilience & Regenerative Ag in the...
    At TomKat Ranch, we have the immense privilege of operating as...
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  • News
    California Healthy Soils Initiative - Grant...
    Calling all California farmers and ranchers! Healthy Soils Grant Program applications...
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  • News,Resource
    Science at TomKat Ranch: An Update
    For many practitioners, regenerative agriculture is a hands-in-the-dirt affair.
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  • Elk Glade Ranch
    Elk Glade Ranch demonstrates myriad ways...
    Elk Glade Ranch demonstrates that there are myriad ways to benefit...
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  • News
    Goat Herd as Ecosystem Reclamation Tool...
    <  Back to All Why We Care By Kevin Alexander Watt As part of...
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  • News
    EcoFarm 2020
    This past January, the Ecological Farming Association (EcoFarm) held its...
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  • Resource
    SOIL: Soil Microbe Guide and Nicole...
    Water and minerals - the yin and yang of life on...
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  • Summer interns at TomKat Ranch 2020
    2020 Regenerative Ranching Internship - Apply...
    We are accepting applications for TomKat Ranch Regenerative Ranching 2020 Summer...
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  • Article
    Using Regenerative Practices to Create Meaningful...
    As part of our Profiles in Land and Management series, this...
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  • News
    A Win for California Healthy School...
    The recent release of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2020-21 budget...
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  • News
    Regenerate Conference 2019
    This past November, our team was thrilled to see Mark Biaggi...
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  • News
    Dear LeftCoast GrassFed Customers
    Dear Friends and Customers, due to a renewed focus on getting...
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  • Article
    Aspiring to Regeneration - A Thank...
    Aspiring to Regeneration - A Thank You to Skeptics from our...
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  • There is a growing urgency to understand and address how the food we serve in public schools impacts the personal health of students, the performance and resilience of communities, and the well-being and sustainability of our environment.
    California Food for California Kids
    There is a growing urgency to understand and address how the...
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  • Study
    Adaptive Planned Grazing Reduces Fire Fuel...
    Adaptive Planned Grazing Reduces Fire Fuel Load - Profiles in Land...
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  • Resource
    Monitoring The Multiple Benefits Of Regenerative...
    Rangelands are an essential part of the health and integrity of...
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  • Article
    The Re-Generation: An Apprentice’s Perspective on...
    I struggled to write this piece for the newsletter. Not because...
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  • Article
    Regenerative Grass-fed Beef
    Grass-fed beef is so much more than delicious! As part of...
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  • Resource
    Profiles In Land and Management -...
    As part of our Profiles in Land and Management series, this...
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  • Article
    Celebrating our Coastal Fibershed
    A day of regenerative agriculture education for food and fiber.
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  • Changes in Soil Carbon at TomKat Ranch
    Changes in Soil Carbon at TomKat...
    46% of the points monitored at TomKat Ranch gained soil carbon...
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  • News
    Gathering of Women in Culinary
    Chefs play a vital role in our food systems. They are...
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  • Study
    What We’re Reading - Soil Wealth...
    In July, the Croatan Institute, Delta Institute, and Organic Agriculture Revitalization...
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  • Article
    Western Landowners Alliance Gathering
    Since its beginning, TomKat Ranch has invested in creating networks and...
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  • Resource
    Profiles In Land and Management -...
    As part of our Profiles in Land and Management series, this...
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  • Article
    Regenerative Ranching Day at TomKat Ranch
    Earlier in the month, TomKat Ranch held a Regenerative Ranching Day...
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  • Resource
    Profiles in Land and Management -...
    Profiles in Land and Management Series this month - Sieben Live...
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  • News
    Where Are They Now - Leyla...
    A question and answer session with our former intern, Leyla Curry
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  • Article
    Profiles in Land and Management -...
    This month our Profiles in Land and Management Series explores regenerative...
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  • Article
    Soil Journeys - a Soil Trials...
    Soil health journeys are like onions, they have a lot of...
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  • News
    Where Are They Now - Anna...
    A question and answer session with our former intern, Anna Brown
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  • Resource
    What We’re Reading: “Regenerative Ranching: Maximum...
    There are a lot of resources out there for those interested...
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  • Article
    Profiles in Land and Management -...
    This month we are excited to re-share our profile of Flying...
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  • Article
    Grassfed Alliance: Coming Together to Promote...
    For years, TomKat Ranch has proudly marketed our grassfed beef under...
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  • Article
    Profiles in Land and Management -...
    This month we are sharing our profile of the Grupo La...
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  • News
    Kat Taylor co-hosted a Healthy School...
    With school food at the forefront of our healthcare issues, limited...
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  • Article
    A Day in the Field with...
    Nicole Masters has been a visitor to our ranch this year....
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  • News
    Where are they now - Evan...
    A question and answer session with our former intern, Evan Watson.
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  • News
    What We're Reading - Women Ranchers...
    In January, the New York Times published a beautiful photo essay...
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  • Article
    Native Perennial Grasses Continue Expanding Across...
    As part of our regenerative management program, Point Blue Conservation Science...
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  • Article
    Profiles in Land and Management -...
    Over the last year, TomKat Ranch has traveled around the American...
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  • Article
    What We're Reading - March 2019
    Regenerative Agriculture Initiative at California State University, ChicoThis month we enjoyed...
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  • News
    EcoFarm 2019 - Recap
    Kathy Webster has been attending the EcoFarm conference for more than...
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  • News
    Equine-Assisted Learning Gathers for Action
    In January, during one of our biggest storms of the season,...
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  • Resource
    What We’re Reading - January 2019
    Draft of California 2030 Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation...
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  • Resource
    What We’re Reading
    Natural climate solutions for the United States - Joe Fargione
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  • News
    Soil Up Learning Lab at Paicines...
    Recently, two of our staff joined 35 healthcare providers, soil scientists,...
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  • Article
    Sustainable Butchery Workshop
    Back in May, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Adam...
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  • News
    Cocina Familiar Update
    Living in an area of San Mateo County, rich in agriculture,...
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  • Resource
    What We're Reading - The Soil...
    Kristin’s Ohlson’s The Soil Will Save Us offers hope in the face of...
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  • Article
    Carbon Farming Workshop for RCDs
    This month TomKat Ranch had the pleasure of hosting 18 of...
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  • Resource
    What We Are Reading - Kiss...
    During my summer as a Regenerative Ranching Intern at TomKat Ranch,...
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  • Resource
    Accessing the Total Impact of TomKat...
    This document explains the methodology applied to assess the total impact...
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  • Resource
    Growing Abundant Rangelands
    A TomKat Ranch-produced guide to growing abundant rangelands and the benefits they...
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  • Resource
    California Rangeland Plant Guide
    This plant guide is a result of requests from many NRCS...
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  • Study
    Case Study - Flying Diamond Ranch
    The Johnson Family began practicing adaptive planned grazing on their ranch...
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  • Resource
    What We Are Reading - Politics...
    Rangelands are unforested and uncultivated land on which grazing is the...
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  • Study
    Fungal Inoculant Project - Update
    I am sure you have been holding your breath waiting to...
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  • Article
    Coyote Brush Control: Goats
    Over the years, we have tried many different ways of controlling...
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  • Study
    Fungal Inoculant Project
    Growing up on a ranch in Paradise Valley, MT, I never...
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  • Article
    Grazing Plan for 2018
    Each year, the Land and Livestock Team sits down with colleagues...
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  • Article
    Regenerative Talks: Photosynthesis and Organic Matter
    Through photosynthesis, it can be said that the whole world runs...
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Photo Credit: Gabrielle Tigan

Our Certifications

Land to Market uses Savory’s Ecological Outcomes Verification protocol to measure regenerative outcomes and land health on farms and ranches.
CCOF is one of the first certifying agencies that provide a variety of tools and resources that make organic certification management easier.
American Grassfed Association is recognized as the leading definition and standard for grassfed meat and dairy production, ensuring consumers products are never fed antibiotics, hormones are kept on pastures from birth to harvest, and come from U.S. family farms and ranches.

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