Newsletter Archive 2024

Our newsletter and other email publications.

Our newsletters and other forms of electronic communication often include short articles and updates not published on the website. Here you will find links to those sources for further reading.

Our newsletter and other email publications.

Our newsletters and other forms of electronic communication often include short articles and updates not published on the website. Here you will find links to those sources for further reading.

Rainbow over TomKat Ranch by Susan Hadacek

January 2024 – Complexity, what does it mean to you?

  • Annual Christmas Bird Count
  • California Association of Resource Conservation Districts Conference
  • The Power of Principles
  • Hello and Farewells
  • Peter Byck’s Roots So Deep
  • What We’re Reading
Stevie, our new breeding-buck member of the family at TomKat Ranch. Photo: William Milliot
February 2024 – Black History Month and Appreciation for Arthropods

  • Our Sam McDonald Moment
  • Allensworth Progressive Association – Fostering Resiliency
  • Ode to Insect
  • So Many Reasons To Like Dung Beetles
  • What We’re Reading, Watching, & Listening To
Former TKREF interns gather at the mounting block.

March 2024 – Let’s Talk

  • Agscent Testing at TomKat Ranch
  • The Other Thing that Water Does
  • Highlighting Trends in Ag and Finance: Aging farmers, acres in transition, and a call for $300B in capital
  • Regenerative Ranching 101 for Landowners and Land Managers
  • We’re Hiring!
  • What We’re Reading – In honor of Women’s History Month
Field walk at TomKat Ranch with the whip-smart students from West Valley College

April 2024 – A Call to Action for Earth Day

  • Following Up: Dung Beetle Populations at TomKat Ranch 2022 & 2023
  • The Real Burger of Earth Day – Grass-fed, Regenerative Beef Burger Challenge
  • Presenting at the California Council of Land Trusts Annual Conference
  • What We’re Reading (and Watching) Earth Day 2024
TKREF Picture of the Month - Guardian dogs with newborn kid by Kim Kitchener

May 2024 – Green up!

  • An Uplifting Guide to Winning the Climate War
  • Out on the Ranch: Spring 2024
  • Meet Freddy
  • What We’re Reading

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