What’s Good Meat? Find out

By: Kathy Webster

This group has been on weekly video chats to talk about what we were seeing and how we can help. Our conversations led to the launch of the Good Meat Breakdown born from our shared commitment to “good meat” and transparent production systems that give value back to the land, animals, and people integral to those systems. ( including the people doing the eating!)
The Good Meat Breakdown is a place for consumers who want to deepen their relationship with the meat they eat, the farmers they buy from, and the land on which good food is raised. It’s a place where consumers can go to understand how to find, buy, and cook meat that aligns with their values. The Good Meat Breakdown is also a tool for producers to access well designed, succinct consumer education toolkits that they can incorporate into their marketing and outreach programs.
We know more and more people value good meat. We also know how hard it can be to navigate the Good Meat landscape and its jargon, nuance, logistical challenges, and barriers to entry. Our goal is to help break down these obstacles.
While we don’t believe consumer choice alone is going to fix what’s wrong with our food system, it is an important force for change. Together, we’re cultivating a shared message, a common voice, and an inspiring platform. We are excited for you to check out this resource and we welcome your feedback.